AI Content Creation: The Ultimate Guide (+5 Best Tools)

Maja Volarevic

Maja Volarević

Nov 14, 2023

Sitting at my desk, staring at the blank screen, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. 

I spent the whole day evaluating clients’ competitors, brainstorming content ideas, and researching keywords. When I finally had some time to write an article, creative blockage showed up like an unwelcome guest.

I was tired and lacked the inspiration to write something smart.

I started searching for a solution to facilitate my content management tasks and increase productivity. My goal was to free up more time for what I genuinely enjoy – content writing. 

That’s when I came across the concept of AI content creation.

Could artificial intelligence be the answer to my struggles? Could it simplify the content creation process and enhance my efficiency? Is it really possible to write an article in minutes using AI tools?

I was curious and decided to learn more about this innovative technology and its benefits for someone like me.

In this ultimate guide, I will walk you through the ins and outs of AI content creation – what it is, how it works, and what I discovered along the way. I will also share the best AI content creation tools you might consider implementing into your workflow. 

Let’s dive in and explore this fascinating technology together!

What is AI content creation and how does it work?

AI content creation stats

Image source: Britopian

AI content creation refers to using artificial intelligence tools, technologies and algorithms to generate content. 

AI content creation tools leverage machine learning and natural language processing to analyze vast data, identify patterns, and produce coherent and contextually relevant text. 

This technology serves as your ally, streamlining the entire content creation process through automation.

It helps you manage repetitive tasks like content strategy development, keyword and topic research, content outline and generation, and even proofreading, freeing up valuable time for other activities.

At its core, AI-powered content creation unlocks the untapped potential within content creators, revolutionizing how we create and share stories.

What motivated me to test AI content creation tools

AI content creation tools

Image source: NeuroSYS

Here are some initial points that sparked my curiosity and motivated me to dive headfirst into testing AI writing tools.

Personal experience with the traditional content creation process

I used traditional methods for content creation before trying out AI-generated content. This involved researching, brainstorming, drafting, editing, and collaborating with writers. 

Although these techniques delivered satisfactory results, they were time-consuming and required much effort. With increased client demands, I needed a solution to produce high-quality content while doubling my productivity and efficiency.

Curiosity about AI writing tools’ potential

I became intrigued by the capabilities of AI-generated content and its potential benefits for our team and clients. To separate the hype from reality, I conducted a series of tests to explore the true potential of AI tools for content marketing.

The possible impact on content writers

AI-generated marketing content

Image source: Ezoic

While conducting my research, a fundamental question emerged: Will the rise of AI content creation tools replace human writers since 85% of marketers use AI for article writing? 

As I considered this, I soon realized that while AI tools can streamline specific tasks and assist in content creation, they cannot replace human writers’ creativity and deep understanding of the world around them.

Content writers bring a unique perspective, personal experience, and expertise that AI tools cannot replicate. Writers can use different ideas, tones, voices, and styles, ensuring the content impacts the intended audience on a personal level.

From my perspective, the human touch remains essential for crafting compelling narratives that genuinely captivate and engage readers. Artificial intelligence tools enhance the abilities of content writers rather than replace them.

How AI content creation helps content managers

AI content creation

Image source: Freepik

I conducted a series of tests to fully explore the potential of each AI content creation tool. I discovered several advantages content managers like me could use in their daily work.

Research and topic generation

Imagine having an AI tool that scrapes the web, identifies the latest industry trends, analyzes your audience’s interests and generates a comprehensive list of topics tailored to your niche. 

The good news is that these tools really exist. Here are some examples:

  • Simplified AI
  • Narrato AI 
  • HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator
  • Semrush AI Title Generator
  • BuzzSumo Content Discovery
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Ubersuggest
  • Ahrefs Content Explorer

These AI tools leverage advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze vast data, providing valuable insights on trending topics, popular keywords, and relevant content ideas.

Using these tools helps you save time and effort, allowing you to focus on improving your content strategy.

Content planning and organization

AI tools can assist you in analyzing your content strategy, understanding your audience’s preferences, generating detailed outlines for your next blog posts, and even creating initial drafts that include recommended subheadings and key points to cover.

Here are some platforms you can leverage for content planning and organization:

  1. MarketMuse
  2. Acrolinx
  3. Clearscope
  4. INK

Employing these tools will result in a well-organized and cohesive final product. These platforms improve efficiency and enable you to deliver high-quality content quickly.

Content writing and editing

AI content writing stats

Image source: DDIY

If you’re stuck with writer’s block or need new ideas, AI can be an excellent source of inspiration. Reviewing the drafts can help you discover new concepts and unique perspectives or provide a starting point for your content creation process. 

I will share the best AI content writing tools later in this guide. However, I don’t recommend using the output in its original form without human editing.

While AI content creation tools can produce coherent content, they often fail to capture a brand’s personality, tone, and voice. You must manually incorporate the unique qualities defining the brand and appealing to the intended audience. 

Although AI content writing tools have significantly improved, mistakes, inaccuracies, repetitions, and unintended biases can still occur. Human editing is crucial in quality assurance, ensuring the content is precise, accurate, error-free, and aligned with your guidelines.

AI-powered SEO suggestions and improvements

AI tools have revolutionized SEO by providing actionable recommendations to enhance content visibility and improve search engine rankings. These tools offer a range of features, from suggesting relevant keywords to optimizing meta tags and headings.

Here are some AI-powered SEO tools that can assist you in optimizing your content:

  1. Surfer SEO
  2. Outranking
  3. Semrush
  4. RankIQ
  5. CanIRank

These tools also suggest structural and formatting optimizations. They examine the content’s structure, headings, subheadings, and formatting elements to ensure they align with SEO best practices.

For instance, an AI tool can recommend using descriptive subheadings, incorporating bullet points or numbered lists, and breaking up content into smaller paragraphs for better readability. 

These tips make the content more appealing to readers and increase its chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Advanced AI solutions can also assist in tracking keyword rankings, website performance, and user engagement metrics. These real-time insights provide valuable information about the effectiveness of your SEO strategies.

While reflecting on my findings and drawing insightful conclusions, I had one final question to answer.

Does Google penalize AI content creation?

Google search guidance

Image source: Google Search Guidance

As AI content creation gains popularity, concerns arise regarding Google’s perception of AI-generated content. Many worry about potential penalties or decreased rankings for using AI tools. 

However, it’s important to note that Google focuses on content quality and relevance rather than the specific method you use to create it.

By presenting valuable and informative content aligned with the E-E-A-T framework, Google aims to deliver the best possible user experience. As long as the AI content meets these criteria, there is no reason for Google to penalize it. 

EEAT framework

Image source: FATJOE

You can read the following case studies to learn more about AI content performance:

In summary, using AI content creation tools can enhance the quality and relevance of content, leading to increased user engagement and better search engine rankings.

Top 5 AI content writing tools from my perspective

Previously, I discussed AI content creation, my motivation for testing AI tools, and the potential benefits they offer for content managers like myself. 

In this section, I will share my research on the top 5 tools I assessed for content writing while trying to find a suitable option to meet my team’s needs and preferences.

Here’s what I discovered.

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT chatbot

Image source: ChatGPT Online

ChatGPT is a powerful AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. It answers your questions, generating human-like text and engaging in interactive conversations. 

This AI content generator can assist with various content creation tasks, including writing long-form content, optimizing articles for search engines, generating social media posts, creating video scripts and crafting email newsletters.

Best for

ChatGPT is a valuable tool for generating ideas for keywords, topics, and content outlines. It can also provide inspiration for content writing. 

However, I advise against using the raw output as it often contains repetitive and vague content, lacks factual accuracy and originality, and may include grammatical errors. 

It’s best to use the draft as a starting point and add a human touch for optimal results.


  1. Versatile content generation for various topics and industries
  2. Saves time and increases productivity
  3. Generates content ideas and provides article structure outlines
  4. Offers writing assistance for grammar, rephrasing, and feedback
  5. Natural language generation with different styles and tones
  6. Ensures consistency with brand guidelines 
  7. Provides translation support and accuracy improvement
  8. Assists with content expansion by generating additional paragraphs or sections
  9. Helpful during brainstorming sessions 
  10. Constantly improving performance and capabilities through updates


  • Potential for inaccurate or unreliable information
  • Lacks human creativity and originality
  • Limited context understanding
  • Over-reliance on the model
  • Potential for plagiarism
  • Insufficient domain expertise
  • Lack of emotional understanding
  • Difficulty in generating highly technical or complex content
  • Ethical considerations

2. Jasper

Jasper AI writing tool

Image source: Jasper 

Jasper is a highly advanced tool that uses machine learning algorithms to generate text that closely mimics human writing.

Its main objective is to aid in marketing content creation, such as blog posts, product descriptions, company bios, ad copy, and social media captions. 

Jasper provides numerous content templates that cater to various scenarios, saving you the hassle of starting from scratch while writing.

Best for

Based on my experience, this AI writing tool works best for short-form content. It’s a good option for crafting sales copy, emails, and landing page content.

You may need extensive training at the Jasper Academy to create high-quality blog posts and articles. While the team behind this product goes above and beyond to support its users, the steep learning curve can slow down your writing process, which is not ideal for the rapid pace of content marketing.

Jaspers also has higher pricing than other tools available in the market. It may result in exceeding your budget faster than expected.


  1. Provides over 50 templates for different types of content
  2. Supports team member collaboration and shows updates in real-time
  3. Produces 99.99% original content free of plagiarism
  4. Writes content in 26 languages
  5. Provides extensive training through Jasper Academy
  6. Provides a grammar checker, an auto-correct feature, and more


  • Sometimes produces content that sounds generic and robotic
  • Often provides content irrelevant to your topic or target audience
  • Tends to repeat content frequently
  • Occasionally writes incomplete sentences
  • Inability to address more complex, technical topics 
  • Requires extensive fact-checking
  • Higher cost compared to other tools
  • It doesn’t always pass AI detection scans

3. Writesonic

Writesonic AI content writing tool

Image source: Writesonic

Writesonic is an advanced platform that employs artificial intelligence to create SEO-friendly content. Its vast knowledge base enables it to produce articles, blog posts, ads, landing pages, eCommerce product descriptions, copy for audio and video content and social media posts.  

Writesonic provides specific features such as a one-click article writer and AI Writer 3.0, which can easily create entire articles based on a given title.

Best for

If you require quick content creation and are not concerned about quality, Writesonic could suit your needs. 

It provides a simple and convenient one-click article writer feature. It analyzes the input text and creates new content based on its understanding of the language and context.

Although customization is possible, the generated content often has lower quality and repetitive elements. As a result, you may need to spend extra time editing the output to ensure it meets your specific needs.


  1. Provides a diverse range of writing templates
  2. Enhances efficiency and reduces costs
  3. Generates content suitable for multiple purposes
  4. Ensures content originality with a 100% plagiarism-free guarantee
  5. User-friendly and accessible to individuals of all writing abilities
  6. Allows customization and creation of hyper-personalized content
  7. Creates SEO-optimized content to improve online visibility
  8. Sparks creativity and provides engaging content ideas
  9. Rapidly produces blog posts or articles exceeding 1,500 words per piece


  • The output lacks originality and creativity
  • Content may not be completely accurate or appropriate for the intended purpose
  • Output may be incomplete or contain repetitive information
  • The output needs extensive manual editing
  • Sometimes, there may be problems with the UI
  • Potential confusion due to excessive prompts
  • Word limit restrictions in pricing packages

4. Scalenut

Scalenut AI tool

Image source: Scalenut

Scalenut is a robust platform that combines AI technology with content research and copywriting tools. It provides many features to support you at every stage of the content creation process. 

Whether identifying keyword clusters or fine-tuning content for better search rankings, Scalenut is a comprehensive solution. It covers all the vital elements contributing to higher rankings and offers actionable insights. 

Additionally, Scalenut allows you to track SEO parameters in real-time, ensuring up-to-date content optimization. By harnessing the capabilities of Scalenut, you can manage your content strategy and improve online visibility efficiently.

Best for

Scalenut offers a range of helpful features for content writing, but its keyword planning and NLP-powered topic research stand out as particularly useful. 

By providing information on crucial ranking factors and real-time SEO parameters, Scalenut equips you to produce high-quality content that positions well on SERP and meets the search intent of your target audience.


  1. Supports a wide range of AI tasks
  2. Provides a library of templates for easy content creation
  3. Provides detailed content briefs and keyword suggestions
  4. Offers AI-generated content based on user input
  5. Generates high-quality and plagiarism-free content at scale
  6. Assists in identifying new growth opportunities
  7. Helps optimize content for search engines
  8. Provides well-organized and structured content reports
  9. User-friendly interface for smooth navigation and operation
  10. Offers flexibility and customization options for tailored content creation


  • Requires setting the desired tone for each use
  • May have a learning curve due to advanced features
  • Occasional slow loading time
  • Generated content may contain excessive fluff
  • AI writing assistant can be repetitive in its suggestions
  • Limited integrations with other platforms
  • Limited language support
  • Lack of custom pricing plans
  • It can be costly for some users
  • You can use up your credits rapidly
  • UI can be improved for a smooth user experience
  • Issues with the mobile view

5. Frase

Frase SEO AI tool

Image source: Frase

Frase is a platform that leverages AI technology to make creating content more efficient and effective. Its primary function revolves around SEO, as it helps identify the questions your target audience is asking.

By analyzing competitors’ content, Frase reveals the frequency of specific keywords, enabling you to incorporate these keywords into your content strategically.

Frase uses advanced technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) to produce succinct and relevant content summaries. This feature greatly facilitates comprehension of the subject matter.

Besides its other features, Frase boasts a built-in AI writing tool that can create unique content. This tool is handy when you require new content to support your writing projects.

Best for

Frase helps you generate in-depth content briefs. It’s an excellent tool for content managers who prioritize research-driven content creation.

By gaining insights into the questions your audience is asking, Frase enables you to create comprehensive and highly relevant content that is more likely to rank on the first page of search engine results.

Frase streamlines the research process and makes it easier to gather information by quickly gathering and synthesizing the most relevant content from different sources, eliminating the need for manual searching and sifting through multiple web pages. 


  1. Provides comprehensive research and topic-generation capabilities
  2. Assists in creating content that answers specific user queries
  3. Offers content optimization suggestions based on SEO best practices
  4. Helps you develop detailed content briefs
  5. Gives you information about keyword density
  6. Enables you to write long-form content
  7. Provides a user-friendly interface


  • The high learning curve for beginners
  • Occasional selection of random keywords unrelated to the topic
  • Room for improvement in content output quality
  • The content needs fact-checking and sounds generic
  • Suboptimal organization of documents and projects
  • Frequent updates and changes to the user interface (UI)
  • Lack of integration with Semrush or Ahrefs for traffic data
  • Pricing is somewhat steep

In this section, I shared the list of essential tools that can significantly enhance your content writing process.

But here’s the secret: the key to unlocking outstanding results lies in choosing the right tools tailored to your unique needs. Don’t be afraid to mix and match, combining multiple solutions that complement each other.

These AI tools can help you streamline your writing process and promptly create the initial content for your projects.

Now, let’s move on to the most crucial part of the story.

What I told my team about AI content creation 

Quoleady content marketing agency

At Quoleady, we are always open to experimenting and finding new ways to improve our clients’ results. With a dedicated team of content writers, SaaS content strategists and SEO specialists working diligently on SaaS content production, we strive to deliver exceptional value. 

After conducting thorough research and testing various AI content creation tools, I wanted to share my findings with my team. 

While the initial idea was to find a way to streamline our internal processes and increase production, I concluded that traditional methods still outperform the use of AI tools. 

Let’s discuss some key points from my analysis.

Creativity and expertise

AI tools have rules and patterns that limit their ability to create unique content. Meanwhile, human writers can think creatively and come up with fresh ideas AI tools may not be able to match. 

Experienced human writers have a wealth of knowledge in their fields, enabling them to write with expertise that AI tools cannot replicate. They have a deep understanding of the nuances and complexities of language, enabling them to adapt their writing to suit specific audiences.

Nothing can replace content created by humans. Nonetheless, I suggest using AI tools to analyze your content, get optimization tips, or generate data-heavy materials like reports and whitepapers. AI tools are especially valuable in these scenarios.

Maintaining brand consistency

While AI tools can identify popular topics and predict trends to inform content strategy, creating content that resonates with readers on a personal level requires a skilled human writer. 

Human writers are also crucial for maintaining brand consistency and building customer trust. AI can save time, but guidance from a human writer is still necessary for achieving a strong connection with the audience.

Adaptability and flexibility

Humans can adjust their writing style to suit different formats and tailor their message to the audience and context. This adaptability is complex for AI tools to achieve due to their predefined rules and patterns. 

Additionally, human writers are flexible and can take feedback and work with others to modify their writing, something AI tools struggle with due to their programming limitations.

Quality control and collaboration

Expert writers produce content that is accurate, interesting, and free of errors. They verify facts and optimize for SEO and readability. Human writers also collaborate effectively with other team members, such as editors, designers, and marketers.  

They ensure the content aligns with the overall objectives and strategy of the project by making any necessary adjustments. 

While AI tools can quickly generate a high volume of content, it is essential to have human oversight to ensure that the content is factual, relevant and engaging.

We are people, not robots

human vs ai writing

Image source: Forbes

With Quoleady, you can avoid the hassle of learning and using complex AI content creation tools. Instead, you can dedicate your valuable time to running and growing your business. Our experienced team will produce premium content on your behalf.

Unlike AI tools with limited capabilities, our agency provides a wide scope of content marketing services. From SaaS content marketing strategy development, research and topic generation to writing, editing, proofreading, and publishing articles on WordPress, we handle the entire process for you.  

We ensure your content is professionally written and customized to meet your goals. Additionally, we SEO optimize it to ensure the best performance in the search results.

We are experts in the SaaS industry and deeply understand its unique challenges and requirements. With our vast experience, we can create content that engages your target audience, highlights your industry authority, and promotes your SaaS products or services effectively.

At Quoleady, our content writers have the skills to effectively communicate complex concepts without sacrificing content quality. We produce technically accurate blog posts and articles that appeal to your audience.

We believe in providing transparency to our clients. With our content packages, you will always know what you’re paying for, ensuring no hidden costs. Unlike some AI tools that impose word limit restrictions, we offer flexibility in content length. 

We adapt to your needs and create content that effectively conveys your brand message, regardless of word count.

AI content creation: Our decision

The use of AI has revolutionized how we create content. By combining AI algorithms with human creativity and expertise, content managers and writers can get new ideas, increase productivity and achieve better results.

However, while AI content creation tools provide valuable support, it’s essential to remember that they are tools, not substitutes for human originality and critical thinking.

AI content generation cannot replace the value provided by a SaaS content marketing agency like ours. Human oversight, editing, and personalization are crucial to ensure uniqueness, accuracy, and alignment with brand values.

However, we are a forward-thinking agency that utilizes AI tools to amplify results. We carefully choose which tasks to delegate to AI and prioritize the human touch. We never allow AI to completely take over the process.

Quoleady customer testimonial

At Quoleady, we combine the power of human creativity, strategic thinking, and in-depth brand understanding to deliver outstanding content that captivates your audience and achieves tangible results. 

Partnering with us ensures a tailored approach, consistent brand representation, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing digital landscapes. 

Let us be your trusted content companion, empowering your brand’s online presence with engaging and impactful content. 

Contact us today to explore the possibilities together.

Maja Volarevic

Maja Volarević

Project Manager and Content Strategist

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