SaaS Content Writing: How to Increase Your Conversion Rate in 2024

Maja Volarevic

Maja Volarević

Nov 02, 2023

With so much online information, people don’t have the time to read everything they come across. If you’re offering a SaaS product, you know how difficult it can be to explain the value of your software and convince your target audience to sign up during a brief website visit.

That’s where SaaS content writing comes into play. 

By crafting compelling content, you can effectively persuade prospects to become paying customers. The key lies in how you communicate with your audience. You must clearly explain why customers should choose your product over competitors, how it can improve their lives, and why they should trust you.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to get started with SaaS writing, what types of blog posts can help increase conversion rates, and how to use SaaS content writing to boost your results. 

Additionally, we’ll share some valuable tips based on Quoleady’s experience in the SaaS industry. After reading this article, you’ll know how to create a successful SaaS content marketing strategy for your business.

Let’s get started right away!

Nine steps to start with SaaS content writing

SaaS content writing

Image source: Freepik

SaaS content writing requires specific skills and knowledge. With our extensive experience working with SaaS clients, we have developed a content creation process that works like a charm here at Quoleady, one of the top SaaS marketing agencies.

Let’s go over the nine steps we take to produce product-led content our clients love.

Step 01: Define your ideal customer profile

SaaS customer statistics

Image source: ThriveMyWay

Before creating content, you must define your ideal customer profile (ICP).

  • Who is your audience?
  • What are their needs?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What do they want to achieve?

An ideal customer profile is a blueprint for what makes someone a great fit for your product or service. Considering these questions before you begin with SaaS content creation, you can write engaging and valuable content that resonates with the people you want to reach.

Step 02: Create a buyer persona based on ICP

Image source: Neil Patel

When you create a buyer persona, you can map out crucial details about your customers. It includes critical attributes like gender, age, education level, location, interests and dislikes, personality traits, behavior, and more.

Buyer personas also help you identify topics that are relevant to your target audience and serve as inspiration when writing.

Step 03: Create a buyer’s journey map

B2B SaaS customer journey

Image source: Segment

A buyer’s journey map illustrates customer journey stages and their progress from awareness and consideration to purchase and retention. 

It helps you understand:

  1. Where your audience is in the buying cycle
  2. What are they looking for, and where do they have issues
  3. Their experience with your brand, product, or service
  4. How they feel along their journey 

With this holistic perspective, you can create an effective content writing strategy to engage customers at each journey stage. 

Step 04: Define what you want to achieve with your content marketing

SaaS content marketing goals

Image source: BiteSize Learning

Creating content without a goal is like driving without a destination. You may eventually get somewhere, but the journey will be much longer and more complicated than it needs to be. 

Defining a goal helps you stay focused on what you want to achieve, makes it easier to measure your success, and determines whether your content has the desired effect. Finally, it allows you to adjust your SaaS content strategy over time based on what works or doesn’t.

Step 05: Define content pillars and clusters

Content pillars and clusters

Image source: Stan Ventures

Content pillars are broad topics you want to cover on your website or blog. Clusters are groups of articles or posts related to a specific subtopic under one of your content pillars.

For example, you might have a pillar of “security” and an associated cluster of “encryption.”

Creating content pillars and clusters improves the organization and structure of your content, making it easier for readers to find the information they need. It also improves your SEO by helping search engine to index your content.

Check out the best SaaS content marketing blogs to get inspired.

Step 06: Conduct keyword research

SaaS keyword research

Keyword research involves determining which keywords people search for on Google and connecting them with pillars and clusters you want to cover to produce high-quality content. 

You can start your blog with low difficulty, high search volume, and high search intent keywords. When you implement all in your content, you can begin using low-intent keywords that cover navigational or informational search queries.

You can conduct keyword research using Ahrefs, a popular tool for optimizing SaaS blog for SEO. Avoid keyword stuffing and ensure your content is relevant and aligned with the user’s search intent.

Step 07: Build your content calendar

SaaS content calendar

Image source: MeisterTask

A well-organized content calendar will help you stay on top of things and ensure you have enough time to produce and publish content regularly. You can use project management software such as Trello to handle the process.

A content calendar helps you plan the release dates of your blog posts and ensures your B2B SaaS writers create content according to your publishing schedule.

It also allows you to track your progress and better understand how long it takes to write different types of content.

Step 08: Create editorial guidelines

content editorial guideliness

Image source: Writer

Before writing blog posts, set up editorial guidelines to help your SaaS content writers produce quality content on time.

Your editorial guidelines should cover a few basics for creating SaaS content, such as

  • The goal of the article
  • The target audience 
  • The overall tone and voice 
  • The level of detail and precision required 
  • The use of sources and attribution
  • The style and format of articles
  • The list of internal links 

Ultimately, editorial guidelines help you ensure that all content is consistent in quality and adheres to the same standards. 

Step 09: Measure results of your SaaS content strategy 

SaaS content strategy 

Image source: Service Direct

There are a few key points to track to measure the results of your content writing efforts:

  1. Engagement metrics like page views, social shares, comments, and email subscribers
  2. Lead generation to track how many leads you’re getting from your content
  3. Sales to track how much revenue your content generates
  4. Brand awareness by monitoring web traffic, social media mentions, and media coverage
  5. Customer satisfaction with surveying your customers and asking them how your content helps them
  6. ROI to calculate your return on investment and see if your content writing efforts are paying off

You can use Search Console, Google Analytics, or another tool. Whatever the case, use the acquired data to create a successful content marketing strategy. If you need help along the way, you can always book a meeting with our SaaS SEO agency and receive valuable advice from our team for free.

Now that we covered how the content writing process works, let’s share some ideas on writing content to boost conversion rate for your SaaS business.

11 SaaS content writing ideas to convert visitors into customers

SaaS content writing ideas

Image source: Freepik

There are many blog posts, but some are much more effective than others at getting readers to take action by either clicking through or buying a product directly from your site. We will share 11 blog posts in this list to help your SaaS company increase its conversion rate. 

Let’s begin.

1. Infographics


Image source: Giraffe Social Media

An infographic blog post uses visuals such as graphics, charts, and similar to convey information in an easily digestible format. You can use these posts to break down complex topics, share interesting data sets, or tell a story more engagingly than traditional text-based blog posts.

2. Case studies

Case studies

A case study tells the story of a specific customer or client’s experience with a company or product. It usually includes details about the customer’s problem, how the company or product helped solve it, and the results. They can also be a great way to build trust and credibility.

If you need examples, you can read our case studies on FullSession and Ringblaze to see how we shared information with our readers.

3. Tutorials and how-to blog posts

Tutorials and how-to blog posts

A tutorial is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to do something. A how-to blog post gives readers specific instructions on how to do something.

Our example articles:

4. Product reviews

Product reviews can be beneficial for potential customers trying to decide whether or not to purchase products from SaaS companies. By reading a detailed and unbiased review, they can get a better sense of the product and whether it would be a good fit for their needs. 

When writing a product review, it is essential to be honest and objective in your product assessment.

Our example article:

5. Product comparisons

This type of blog post can be helpful for readers who are trying to decide between similar products. It can include a detailed comparison of product features, benefits, integrations, customer support, pricing, and pros and cons of each solution. The goal is to present your SaaS product as the best solution.

Our example articles:

6. Product alternatives

Product alternatives can be helpful for several reasons – perhaps the reader is looking for a new product and wants to see what else is out there, or maybe they’re trying to find a cheaper alternative to a product they already use. Your SaaS content writer can explain why your product is better than competitors and motivate readers to sign up.

Our example articles:

7. Problem-solution blog posts

Problem-solution blog posts

When writing a problem-solution blog post, it is crucial first to identify a problem your audience is facing. Once you have done this, you can provide a detailed solution to help customers overcome this problem. Be sure to support your explanation with evidence and examples, making it more convincing for readers.

Our example articles:

8. Free tool/resource blog posts

In this type of blog post, you can provide readers with free tools or resources they can use to improve their lives or businesses. These posts can be precious for readers, as they can save time and money by accessing free products they might not otherwise be aware of. It’s an excellent opportunity to promote your free plan or free trial.

9.  Checklists 

When creating a blog post as a checklist, there are a few things to remember. First, make sure that your list is clear and concise. 

Second, use bullet points or numbers to list items so that it is easy for readers to scan and find the information they need. Finally, consider using an eye-catching image or graphic to accompany your checklist, as this can help draw attention to your post.

10. Listicles

A listicle is a blog post that consists of a list of items, usually in a numbered or bullet-point format. Listicles can be about any topic, but we use them to present products and services in the same category. We include descriptions, key features and benefits, and photos or videos for each product. Readers love listicles as they are easy to read and digest.

Our example articles:

11. Product-led content

Product-led content

With product-led content, you can show off the product’s features or provide a tutorial on how to use it. It may be a review of the product, an analysis, or simply a product guide you will implement in your article. Product-led blog posts can be a great way to generate interest and motivate people to sign up.

Our example article:

In this section, we covered some content ideas for increasing your conversion rate. If you’re interested in other best practices to maximize your content writing results, feel free to book a meeting with our team. We are always here to help if you have any questions.

Now, let’s share some bonus tips to help you along the way.

12 tips to increase conversion with SaaS content writing

SaaS content writing

Image source: Freepik

Whether you’re just starting with SaaS content writing or it’s not going as well as you hoped, this list will help. Continue reading our 12 tips to increase conversion with SaaS content writing.

1. Establish yourself as an industry authority

Strong content built around your expertise will help people see you as an authority in your field. 

You can:

  1. Write well-researched blog posts that offer valuable insights into your industry
  2. Respond to readers’ comments and questions to increase engagement
  3. Be transparent and honest with your readers
  4. Network with other industry experts to collaborate on blog posts
  5. Publish articles or whitepapers to showcase your industry knowledge
  6. Guest blog on similar sites in your industry
  7. Make sure your blog is updated regularly

By blogging about your experiences in the industry, you can share your knowledge, build your reputation, attract more customers and get more opportunities.

2. Always write for your audience, not just Google

Writing blogs for your target audience and solving customers’ pain points is just as crucial as creating high-quality content for search engines.

Trying to game Google with keywords and other SEO tricks may get you traffic, but it’s not going to do you any good if those visitors don’t stick around or convert into customers. Write for your audience first and foremost, and the rest will follow.

3. Align your content with the reader’s search intent

There are four essential types of search intent: 

  1. Informational: The user searches for information on a specific topic
  2. Navigational: The user searches for a specific website or page 
  3. Transactional: The user searches to buy a product or service
  4. Commercial: The user searches for information to make a purchase decision 

By understanding the user’s search intent and adjusting your content accordingly, you can ensure that your content is aligned with the reader’s needs, leading to increased conversions. 

You will also get new content ideas to attract and delight your customers.

   4. Don’t forget about the article quality and length

SaaS content writing

The more energy you put into writing an informative piece that is complete, well-organized, and easy to read, the higher the chance your target audience will convert. You can use recommendations as a reference point, as they rely on the top five SERP results for a specific keyword.

5. Be transparent and honest to build trust

Before signing up for a SaaS product, customers want to know that it’s legitimate and trustworthy. You should objectively present your product and share all relevant information to help customers understand what to expect.

Otherwise, they may not trust you and think you’re hiding something from them, which results in a negative user experience and decreases your conversion rates.

6. Show credibility with real data

When writing blog posts about your products or services, you should include evidence that supports your claims and provide citations or links to reputable sources. 

You can also include charts and graphs to show people how your company is performing over time or how different aspects of your business are performing relative to each other. 

It will show customers how committed your company is to long-term success, help reinforce your writing and give it extra impact.

7. Provide a solution to a problem

When building your SaaS content strategy, it’s essential to focus on the customer problem and solve it with content writing. If you can identify a real problem, you’re in an excellent position to create compelling content that resonates with your buyer personas.

You can break complex topics into more digestible pieces to make them more accessible. For example, if your users are trying to learn how to read a heat map, you can provide them with helpful instructions in your first blog post. 

Next, you can write additional posts on scroll maps, click maps, and dive into details. Then, you can write another post and describe software that automatically helps your users analyze heat maps.

Here is how we did it for one of our clients, FullSession:

A series of blog posts written on the same issue could provide an excellent resource for someone looking for information on a specific topic.

8. Educate your audience about your product’s benefits

The most important thing when convincing people to buy your product is educating them on its benefits. It helps them understand what your product can do for them and why they should be willing to pay for it. You’ll be more likely to reach their hearts and wallets.

9. Showcase your product features organically

Analyzing product features naturally builds trust with your audience. Customers will trust you more if you provide them with a comprehensive picture of what you can do rather than just selling your product. 

Check out these blog posts we wrote for PandaDoc and Expandi:

It is significant for new or innovative products, as customers may be hesitant to try something completely unknown.

10. Show your product through case studies and customer success stories

SaaS content writing case study

Case studies add value to your blog by providing real-world examples of how your products or services have helped others. 

Case studies:

  1. Help establish your company as a thought leader in your industry
  2. Can be repurposed into other marketing materials like ebooks, infographics, or even video
  3. Show potential customers that your software can solve specific problems
  4. Provide social proof that your software is effective
  5. Answer common customer questions
  6. Help build trust and credibility with your audience
  7. Show how your product or service differs from competitors
  8. Can be used as a lead generation tool
  9. Help you rank higher in search engines
  10. Improve customer retention

By writing case studies, you can show the impact your business can have, which converts users into leads and customers.

11. Prepare and write answers to all customer objections

SaaS content writing

Image source: Soleadify

As a SaaS business owner, you probably face customer objections daily. Handling objections effectively can mean the difference between a lost sale and a happy customer.

Think about the most common objections you heard in the past, craft your responses and implement them in your blog posts. 

For example, if someone is concerned about the price of your product or service, it might be a good idea to share how it compares to other products on the market. If a customer has concerns about the safety of your product, it’s essential to address those risks in your writing.

Here is how we reduced customers’ concerns by explaining FullSession privacy features.

SaaS content writing example

This type of information will surely speed up users’ decision to become paying customers.

12. Add social proof to your blog post

Social proof is one of the most powerful ways to increase conversions on your blog, as it gives potential customers confidence to take action.

For example, you can use testimonials from previous customers to add credibility to your blog posts. You can also include examples of how other people have used your product or service, such as screenshots, videos, or photos.

Here is an example of the client testimonial we included in one of our articles for PassKit.

Overall, adding social proof to your blog post can significantly increase its value, reach, and engagement.

So now you know how to increase your conversion rate. As you can see, it takes a lot of time and effort. What if we have a solution to help you speed up the process?

What to do next?

In this article, we shared our 9-step content writing process, provided you with 11 blog post ideas and 12 tips to increase your conversion rates. 

By now, you probably realize how demanding SaaS content writing is. Relax and leave everything to the pros. Book a meeting with Quoleady today and start your content writing journey.

Maja Volarevic

Maja Volarević

Project Manager and Content Strategist

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