How to write SaaS content?

SaaS content is specific and different from other types of content due to the nature of the “software as a service” business model.

The SaaS business model is heavily reliant on subscriptions and long-term customer relationships. Content needs to engage customers at each stage of the customer lifecycle, from awareness and acquisition to retention and advocacy. Therefore, no content piece is “one size fits all,” but keywords and content need to match the sales funnel stage.

To attract organic traffic, SaaS websites must rank well in search engine results for queries relevant to their product and industry. SaaS content needs to be specific, keyword-optimized, and address the exact questions and needs of the target audience.

At the same time, in 2024 the SaaS market is saturated with “specific, keyword-optimized, copy cat” AI content. To differentiate themselves and build trust and authority SaaS companies’ content needs to be in sync with other marketing activities and provide more than others.

With in-company statistics, insights, experiments and expert opinions, SaaS content writers can stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of their target audience.

Know who you’re writing for. What are their pain points, and how does your software solve those problems? Be precise with real-life examples and relevant user experiences. Create personas for your key audience segments to tailor your content effectively.

While it’s good to describe what your software does, it’s more important to explain how it benefits the user. How does it make their work easier, more efficient, or more profitable? This is especially important if you are comparing your solution to the competitors’. Readers need direct comparisons, with screenshots and detailed processes explained, to feel that you know your market inside and out.

Avoid jargon, common AI phrases, and overly technical terms unless your target audience is familiar with them. Your goal is to make your content accessible and easy to understand.

Use case studies, testimonials, and examples to show how real customers have benefited from your software. This helps potential users visualize how to use it in their own contexts.

The SaaS industry moves fast. Keep your content up-to-date with the latest features, industry trends, and user needs.

Deciding between crafting SaaS content in-house or outsourcing to an agency or freelance writer involves weighing various pros and cons related to content quality, perspective, resource allocation, and costs.

Writing in-house should immediately tick the box for deep product knowledge and brand voice consistency, as the team creating the content is familiar with both the product and company culture. However, internal limitations such as time, specific content creation skills, past experience, and potential blind spots in the product and target customers’ POV can affect content quality and results.

Hiring an agency or professional writers brings the advantage of professional-quality content, proven past strategies and an objective fresh perspective that may highlight value propositions previously overlooked. 

Additionally, the scalability of working with external content creators allows for more flexible content production schedules. The drawbacks include the higher costs associated with outsourcing and the time required to onboard external writers to ensure they understand the product and maintain the brand’s voice.

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