B2B SaaS Content Writing 101: Tips + Expert Insights

Olga Mykhoparkina photo

Olga Mykhoparkina

Jan 15, 2024

Creating amazing content that’s aligned with your business goals is essential in a competitive B2B SaaS space.

Over the last few years, as a content marketing agency, we decided to fully commit to SaaS content creation and strategy.

Having worked with dozens of SaaS companies, we were able to identify unique challenges specific to B2B SaaS content writing.

In this article, I want to share our experience along with tips that will help you take your SaaS content to the next level and attract more customers for your SaaS business.

What is B2B SaaS content writing

B2B SaaS content writing is based on producing helpful content with the goal to attract the right audience and convert them into paying customers.

The goal is to share useful information and turn every blog post into a useful resource that helps your customers solve their problems.

You can share your written content on different platforms, depending on your SaaS content strategy. However, I suggest developing your B2B SaaS blog for three reasons:

  • By using the right keywords you can very precisely target people who are looking for a SaaS product like yours or who have a problem that your SaaS product could solve.
  • In the B2B world, long-form content performs better than short-form content, especially when we’re talking about more expensive products or products with a longer sales cycle. A blog post gives you enough space to educate your audience and share valuable information.
  • One of the benefits of having your own B2B SaaS blog over publishing content on websites like Medium is being able to turn your blog into a lead generation machine, by optimizing it for conversion (adding CTA blocks, banners, popups, etc.)

That said, here are some forms of B2B SaaS content that you could  include in your content marketing strategy:

  • Listicles
  • How-to guides
  • Tutorials
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • White papers
  • Industry reports
  • Checklists
  • Research
  • Statistics
  • Ebooks

Check out the best SaaS content marketing blogs to get inspired.

Why is B2B SaaS content writing important

According to the research published on the HubSpot blog, companies that publish content regularly get 55% more website visits than companies that aren’t committed to creating content on a regular basis.

And if you’re like most SaaS businesses, your goal is to bring target audience to your website, where they can learn more about your SaaS product and purchase it.

Here are a few other benefits of B2B copywriting services:

  • Quality content helps you position your SaaS company as an industry leader, build trust and relationships with your potential customers and colleagues.
  • Creating SaaS content can help you build an effective sales funnel, attract your target audience, educate them and convert them into paying customers.
  • SaaS content creation can have a bigger ROI than traditional advertising, especially in the long run.

How is B2B SaaS content writing different from other types of writing

Typically, B2B buyers require more detailed information than B2C buyers. There are two reasons for it.

First, their buying cycles tend to be longer, especially if we’re talking about more expensive SaaS solutions. Second, multiple-decision makers are often included in the process, from C-level executives to managers of particular sectors, depending on the product.

It means that you have to create content that’s detailed, delivers a lot of value and guides B2B buyers toward making the right decision, instead of producing content of average quality that can easily be found elsewhere.

You need to back up your statements with relevant proof, like statistics or research.

Your tone should be professional and advanced, but it doesn’t mean it should be too complicated. When writing content make sure it’s engaging and easy to understand.

Learning the terminology your target audience uses can help you write content they’ll love reading. That’s why it’s important to get an experienced SaaS content writer who understands the niche and speaks the language of your audience.

Our experience with B2B SaaS content writing

Over the last few years, we’ve worked with dozens of SaaS companies delivering high-quality content.

I like to say that our goal is not just to create content and bring website traffic, we actually strive to bring you leads and paid customers.

We’ve worked with well-known brands such as Monday.com, Pandadoc, GetVoip and Expandi. But, we’ve also helped our clients start their content marketing from scratch.

For example, our client FullSession had their website launched in April 2021. When we first started working with them, they had zero content or backlinks and their domain rating was only 2.

In only four months we managed to increase their domain rating from 2 to 49 as you can see in the picture below. But our main result was increasing their traffic from 0 to 21.157 website visits and bringing 1180 leads, in that short period of time.

Quoleady's client Domain Rating

You can read the full case study here.

Apart from that, we have developed dozens of winning content marketing strategies and have written over thousands of B2B SaaS articles for our B2B clients.

Understanding B2B SaaS target audience

If you want to create a successful content marketing strategy, it’s essential to determine who you are writing for and who is your ideal client.

Creating your buyer persona in the B2B SaaS world can be more challenging than creating a B2C buyer persona. There are often multiple decision-makers within one company and it’s important to identify them.

Here are three steps that will help you understand your audience better:

1. Identify B2B SaaS buyers’ pain points

Think about all the problems and challenges your target audience is facing and that your SaaS product could solve. If you can, it’d be ideal to talk to your existing customers and ask them why they’ve chosen your product. List all their pain points and make sure to address them in your content.

B2B SaaS target audience pain points can be split into four categories:

  • Financial — Show the ways your SaaS product can help the company save money or cut costs. Maybe you’ve created customer support automation software so they don’t need to spend money on hiring additional people.
  • Time/Productivity — Similarly, show how using your SaaS product speeds up their working process and makes employees more productive.
  • Process — They don’t know how to get from point A to point B and your SaaS product can take them there.
  • People — Many SaaS businesses are focused on people development. Can your SaaS product help their employees improve their skills and get the support they need?

2. Identify the target audience’s needs and goals

What do they want to achieve and how can your product help them? Do they want to save time and increase productivity? Maybe your SaaS product can help by automating repetitive processes.

3. Create buyer personas

Creating B2B buyer personas is slightly more complex than creating simple B2C customer avatars. Apart from standard information (their age, their interests, motivation) here are some additional questions to answer:

  • What is their job title?
  • In what industry they’re working?
  • What responsibilities their role includes?
  • Who are they reporting to?

What are the key components of B2B SaaS content writing?

Here are six components that will improve the quality of your B2B SaaS content writing.

1. Understanding the B2B SaaS product/service

B2B SaaS target audiences can be very detail-oriented, and that’s why your articles need to cover the topic in depth. To be able to do that you need a profound understanding of your SaaS products and their features, excellent B2B SaaS copywriting skills aren’t enough.

That’s why it’s always a good option to hire a SaaS SEO agency with a proven track of writing content for SaaS companies.

List all the features of your SaaS product and try to see what are benefits your target audience could get from using your product. How can it improve their lives?

It’s also a good idea to check out similar SaaS products from your industry to determine what is your competitive advantage/USP.

2. Creating compelling headlines and subheadings

Human attention span is getting shorter each year and all SaaS companies are competing to catch attention. Creative and effective headlines are the only way to make your content stand out on search engines and increase your CTR.

Many people skim content to decide whether it’s worth reading. That’s why you need relevant subheadings that will show your readers what’s in it for them.

3. Using storytelling to engage the audience

People don’t want to read through long lists of features and use cases. Instead, turn features into benefits and show how your product can help them solve their problems. The best way to do so is through product-led content – guides, case studies, how-to articles, etc.

You can check out this case study for some inspiration on how we create useful content.

4. Writing in a conversational tone

Yes, you’re writing for B2B SaaS business professionals, but that doesn’t mean that you should sound too formal. Keep it simple by using casual language, short sentences and simple terms that everyone can understand.

5. Incorporating data and statistics to support claims

In 2023, it’s all about data-driven storytelling. Don’t forget to illustrate your points using relevant stats and research. You can use your own stats or quote high-authority websites from the SaaS industry.

6. Including calls-to-action

The best way to increase your conversion rate is to tell your audience what they should do next – subscribe to your newsletter, download your lead magnet, sign up for a free trial or something else.

When it comes to long-form content, it’s okay to include multiple CTAs throughout the article and you could even use banners and different colors to make sure they get noticed.

Best practices for B2B SaaS content writing

Follow this 5-step process that will help you create your SaaS content from scratch, stay on track and publish content regularly.

1. Conducting keyword research

Your SaaS content writing should be based on relevant keywords because that’s the way for your target audience to find you on Google. You have to find out the phrases they use when searching on Google and then make sure to include them in your articles.

When conducting keyword research for SaaS, here are three elements to consider:

  • search volume
  • keyword difficulty
  • search intent

SaaS keyword research: Choosing the right keywords

The most common mistake SaaS marketing agencies make is focusing solely on search volume and trying to rank for very competitive keywords. We have a different approach and I highly encourage you to focus on search intent first.

We found that the best strategy is using high-intent keywords. That way you can target an audience with a high purchasing intent, people that are at the bottom of the sales funnel who are ready to buy.

Here are a few examples of high-intent keywords:

  • Alternative keywords (Slack alternative, Mailchimp alternative, HotJar alternative)
  • Comparison keywords (Mailchimp vs Mailerlite, Mailchimp vs Omnisend)
  • How-to keywords (How to send an email marketing campaign)
  • Listicles (X virtual business phone systems)

High-intent keywords are also the base for our most successful content marketing strategy that also has the biggest ROI.

2. Optimizing for search engines (SEO)

As I like to say, you’re writing your content for people, but optimizing for Google. That’s the best way to get more organic traffic to your website. Here are a couple of SEO tips:

  • Use the right keywords but avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Include your main keyword in the heading and title tag.
  • Focus on SaaS link-building as external links are one of the main ranking factors, but first, read this article to find out how to choose websites to build backlinks.
  • Use internal linking to give your articles a ranking boost.
  • Fix any technical SEO issues (page loading speed, URLs, broken links).

For more insights and actionable tips, you can read our detailed guide on optimizing SaaS blog for SEO.

3. Incorporating visuals and multimedia elements

People get bored when they see a lot of plain text. That’s why it’s important to use short paragraphs and add a lot of white space, but you should also include visuals and multimedia that can often illustrate features of your SaaS product better than the text.

You can add screenshots, infographics or video tutorials created through an online video creator showing how to use your SaaS products.

4. Writing for multiple channels

You can use different channels to generate leads: from social media (especially LinkedIn, when we’re talking about B2B) to your SaaS blog. I also suggest email marketing as a way to warm up your leads.

You should create a lead magnet to get people to sign up for your newsletter. It could be an industry report, white paper, ebook or case study.

5. Measuring and analyzing content performance

Finally, the only way to get desired results is to track the performance of your content and see what works and what doesn’t. Make sure that you measure the things that matter, instead of focusing on vanity metrics (likes and impressions).

You should determine which channel brings you the most organic traffic, but also which channel brings you the most leads and converts the best.

B2B SaaS content writing tools

Here’s a list of tools every SaaS content writer needs:

  1. Grammar tools: You can use Grammarly to improve the quality and tone of your SaaS content writing.
  2. Title tools: You can use CoSchedule to analyze your titles and see what could be improved (clarity, length, sentiment) and CapitalizeMyTitle to make sure you capitalize the words properly.
  3. Keyword research tools: We use Ahrefs for keyword research, another great option could be SemRush.
  4. Blog SEO tools: Our SaaS writers useSurferSEO to optimize their content with relevant keywords.
  5. Other: Apart from content writing tools, you also need a plagiarism checker (CopyScape), an AI detector (Content at Scale) and a management tool to organize your work, especially if there are a lot of SaaS content writers (we use Notion).

For more details and comparisons of different tools, check out our article on SaaS content marketing tools.

B2B SaaS content writing challenges and how to overcome them

Here are three content writing challenges that are unique to the B2B SaaS market.

1. Lack of inspiration and ideas

I suggest you base your SaaS content writing strategy on relevant keywords. That way, you’ll get to know what interests your audience and make sure they find your content on Google. But if you still struggle with content ideas, here are a few things to try:

  • You can do a SaaS content audit to see what type of your existing content performed the best and create similar content in the future.
  • Check out your competitors’ blogs to see what topics they’ve covered. I’m not saying to copy your competitors but to simply analyze their SaaS content and see whether some topics are missing on your website.
  • You can use tools like AnswerThePublic and AlsoAsked to get some content inspiration and discover frequently asked questions in your industry.

2. Writing for a technical or complex subject matter

Writing SaaS content is different than other forms of content writing. You have to describe your SaaS products and their features in great detail and that often includes a lot of technical jargon.

Inexperienced SaaS writers may fall into the trap of trying to deliver as many details as possible and using technical language but ignoring other aspects of successful content writing like style, brand voice, readability, etc.

The goal is to find the balance of describing all the core features but still creating engaging content that’s written in casual language that’s easy to read.

3. Balancing creativity with technical accuracy

In SaaS content writing we use many different tools to make sure our SaaS content is optimized for Google. You have to add keywords related to your target audience and track your score in writing tools (for example, a high SurferSeo score is a sign that your article may rank well on Google).

The question is how to balance technical accuracy and still create compelling content?

Bear in mind that you’re writing for your target audience (use storytelling, make it engaging) but optimizing for Google, which means including relevant keywords and using tools to help you.

Measuring the ROI of content marketing efforts

Our SaaS content marketing process consists of:

  1. writing content
  2. measuring the effect
  3. optimizing and improving

To measure the effect of your SaaS content writing, you first need to know how much money you spent on creating each piece of content or your content overall. Things to include in calculation:

  • work done by a content writer, SaaS content strategist, SEO expert and editor
  • software and tools used for content writing and SEO
  • the price of content distribution was it organic or you used paid advertising such as Google ads and how much did it cost

Then, you should track the number of leads and sales that resulted from the content produced.

Finally, here’s the formula to measure your content marketing ROI.

Return minus investment, divided by investment, expressed as a percentage.

In other words, if you spent $500 to create content that resulted in $2000 worth of sales, your content marketing ROI is 300%

However, sometimes it can be hard to measure SaaS content writing effort, especially for products with a longer sales cycle where buyers engage with multiple pieces of your content throughout their journey.

On the other hand, when it comes to long-form content, it can bring you leads and sales months and years after publishing.

However, there are also some other metrics important for your SaaS business:

  • the quality of your leads
  • lifetime customer value
  • website traffic
  • domain authority
  • brand awareness and authority

As you can see, SaaS content writing has a high ROI over time. You can’t expect to publish 1 or 2 articles and get the same results as SaaS companies that have been putting in effort for months or years. When it comes to creating content, consistent effort is what will pay off in the long run.


B2B SaaS content writing starts with understanding your target audience and your product on a deeper level.

Conduct keyword research and find relevant keywords that will help your ideal clients find you on Google. If you want to maximize your content marketing efforts and speed up the sales process, I suggest focusing on high-intent keywords.

Always strive to find a balance between writing content people will enjoy reading and optimizing your content for Google. That’s the key to success!

If you’re just starting out with SaaS content writing, start with the resources you have now, and then test and optimize your content in the future.

The competition among SaaS companies is strong, but it’s not too late to start. The sooner you start, the better.

Pay a lot of attention to every piece of content you create because if done well it could become evergreen content that will bring you new leads in years to come.

If this seems like a lot of work, we’re here to help you with everything from B2B SaaS content marketing strategy to content creation. Book a free call and let’s talk about your next steps!

Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn if you have any questions.

Olga Mykhoparkina photo

Olga Mykhoparkina

Founder, CEO

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