B2B SaaS Copywriting for Blogs: All You Need for an Optimized Copy


Katarina Stamenković

Dec 03, 2023

At Quoleady, we have provided dozens of B2B copywriting services, helping our clients generate leads and increase revenue. In this article, we’ll share actionable tips that you can implement to improve your copy. 

Here’s what you’ll learn below:

  1. What is B2B SaaS copywriting 
  2. Why is B2B SaaS copywriting for blogs important for your business
  3. What you need to know before you start
  4. Concepts that make a good copy
  5. Tools that can improve your writing
  6. How to optimize your copy for SEO purposes

What is B2B SaaS copywriting?

B2B SaaS copywriting is writing with the purpose of inspiring a reader to take action, such as buying a SaaS subscription or signing up for a free trial. B2B writing targets a team of professionals and focuses on how the whole company benefits from a SaaS product, not just an individual.

It can be email marketing, pricing page or landing page copy, but here we’ll focus on B2B SaaS copywriting for blogs.

Why is B2B SaaS copywriting for blogs important?

Let’s see what the numbers say:

  • Of all the content types they use, 93% of B2B marketers report blog posts produced the best overall content marketing results. 
  • 80% believe custom content should be central to marketing work.
  • Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing.
  • 82% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content.
  • 70% prefer to learn about a company through articles than adverts.
  • On average, companies with blogs generate +67% leads per month.
  • Marketers prioritizing blogging are 13 times more likely to have a positive ROI.

Blog posts can generate excellent content marketing results for software companies, making potential customers feel more positive about your company and generating leads while saving you money in the long run.

B2B SaaS copywriting: Before you start

Understand your target audience and tailor your content to them

Before deciding what to write about, you must understand your target audience or buying persona. Ask yourself:

  • What are their pain points?
  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What interests them?
  • What do they want?
  • What would make their life easier?
  • What is their job?

Here are a few suggestions to help you understand your target audience better:

  • Analyze your sales calls and look for patterns
  • Read reviews of your or competitors’ products on third-party sites such as G2 
  • Ask them directly via a customer survey

Conduct keyword research

Before conducting keyword research for your SaaS content marketing strategy, you should understand how to choose the right keywords. Your ideal keyword should have:

  1. High search intent
  2. Reasonable search volume
  3. Low keyword difficulty

Keyword research for B2B SaaS copywriting

We suggest you target high-intent keywords that are most likely to bring you results. You need a keyword research tool such as Ahrefs or SEMRush to find them and a list of your competitors.

Let’s say you are building a team chat app. Here are the types of high-intent keywords you should look for:

High-intent keyword type Example
Tool/software/app/platform etc. keywords Messaging apps
Alternative/competitor keywords Slack alternatives/
Comparison keywords Slack vs Teams
Review keywords Slack review
How-to keywords How to improve team communication
Pricing keywords Slack pricing

For more ideas and in-depth explanations, check out our guide on SaaS keyword research. You can also educate yourself and get inspiration from the best SaaS content marketing blogs or consult a SaaS content strategist if you’re unsure which keywords to target.

Create an outline

B2B SaaS copywriting outline

An outline can help you stay on track and organize your ideas. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Identify who you’re writing to
  2. Identify the search intent for the keyword (look at the top ten results and see what articles Google ranks for your chosen keyword, but also use common sense) 
  3. Identify the purpose of your writing and what you want to achieve
  4. Define your headers and subheaders

While analyzing the top ten articles, see whether there’s something they are not covering or if you can provide a unique angle. People tend to repeat the same information, so identifying an information gap or bringing something new to the table can help you get ahead.

B2B SaaS Copywriting: Other concepts you need for a good copy

Hook the reader

The purpose of every sentence in your copy is to get your reader to the next one. The first chance you have to hook the reader is your headline

Statistics show that eight out of ten people read the headline copy, but only two out of ten read the rest. This tells us how important it is to craft a compelling headline. Get into your customer’s shoes, think about what they want to find when they search for a specific keyword and tailor the headline to that. Avoid clickbait and make sure you deliver on the promise.

Bonus tip: You can use Headline Analyzer and Title Generator to help you. 

An introduction is another place to hook the reader and convince them they’re at the right place where they’ll get what they came for. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Make it short (about 3-4 paragraphs and up to 200 words)
  2. Make it sharp and snappy 
  3. Describe what you’re going to talk about in the article
  4. Don’t state the obvious
  5. Include some stats to prove your idea
  6. Inject storytelling and relate to the reader’s problem

You can also use writing frameworks, such as:


  • Attention: Are you a business owner or marketer looking to boost sales during the Christmas season?
  • Interest: Customers are in a buying mood, with X% of shoppers setting aside a budget for holiday gifts this year. However, with so many businesses fighting for attention, it can be challenging to stand out.
  • Desire: That’s where Christmas holiday campaigns come in. By creating unique and engaging experiences for your customers, you can connect with them and skyrocket your sales.
  • Action: In this article, we’ll explore the most effective Christmas marketing campaigns and ideas to delight your customers and make the most out of this holiday season. 


  • Problem: Are you tired of spending hours each week manually managing employee schedules?
  • Agitation: You try to accommodate all preferences and requests, but still, it leads to errors, miscommunication and conflict. Missed shifts and under- and overstaffing ultimately affect your bottom line.
  • Solution: That’s where X, our employee scheduling software, comes in. You can automate the entire scheduling process and ensure your business runs more smoothly with features like shift trading, time-off requests and real-time scheduling updates.


  • Situation: Research shows hiring a SaaS marketing agency can save X% of revenue.
  • Complication: But it is tricky because there are so many of them and everyone claims to produce high-quality content.
  • Question: How do you sift through all that information?
  • Answer: Here are our top X choices and a hiring checklist to help you.

Emphasize benefits 

Features describe what your product does, whereas benefits describe how it helps the reader. Readers don’t care about your business, they care about how your business can help them, whether it be reducing operational costs, increasing productivity, saving time or automating existing workflows. 

Keep this in mind when listing all your product’s features. Ask yourself:

  • So what?
  • How does this help the reader? 
  • How will it make their life easier?
  • Is it clear to me or is it clear to the reader?

Here are some examples of how you can turn features into benefits:

❌ 30GB of storage for MP3s 

✅ 1000 songs in your pocket

❌ 30-megapixel camera 

✅ high-quality photos that look professional

❌ 16GB of RAM 

✅ lightning-fast performance without lags

This is not to say to omit features altogether, but make sure they are clear to the reader and emphasize how they make their life easier to help them picture the outcome.

Cut the wordiness

Wordy sentences add friction, which is the opposite of what you want. You want to provide a seamless experience and not lose readers because of wordy sentences.

Here are some examples of redundant words or phrases and how you can cut the wordiness:

  • Merge together > merge
  • Absolutely certain > certain
  • Still remains > remains
  • In order to > to
  • In the event that > if
  • The majority of > most
  • Have a preference for > prefer

Now let’s look at an example at the sentence level:

❌ To fully realize the benefits of recognition, it’s important to create the same culture in your workplace environment. This company culture makes sure employees feel recognized and boosts motivation.

✅ To fully realize the benefits of recognition, create a workplace culture that ensures employees feel recognized and motivated.

If you can express it with fewer words and more simply, do it. Also, avoid repeating ideas throughout the article. Every sentence counts cut everything that doesn’t provide additional value.

Find data and statistics to support claims

B2B SaaS copywriting outbound link

Outbound links are important because they make your SaaS company a credible source both in the eyes of readers and Google. Support your claims with evidence and link to reputable sources such as Forbes, Inc, the Guardian etc. 

Whenever you can, find statistics, but make sure they are up-to-date, which usually means no older than two years. Irrelevant and outdated stats make you less credible. Also, always link to the original source of the statistic instead of stat reviews.

Use active voice

Active voice is more direct and persuasive than passive voice it puts power in the readers’ hands. Use passive sparingly and change to active whenever you can. You can use Grammarly or Hemingway app to help you detect passive sentences and change them.

Let’s look at some examples:

❌ The data analysis module can be used to track employee productivity. 

✅ You can track employee productivity with the data analysis module.

❌ The onboarding process can be streamlined using the software. 

✅ The software streamlines the onboarding process.

❌ The report can be accessed by the HR team. 

✅ Your HR team can access the report.

Make your content specific and actionable

Specific beats general any time answer the how and the why. The tips you provide should be actionable and, whenever you can, you should provide examples to bring ideas to life. Imagine that kid asking a thousand whys and approach your SaaS content production with similar scrutiny. 

Ask yourself:

  • Why does this matter? 
  • How can the reader do it?

Let’s see some examples:

❌ Our platform provides a comprehensive solution for managing your workforce.

❌ Our software provides valuable insights.

❌ Our platform offers a range of features.

These sentences are vague because they don’t answer the how and the why. We have to provide concrete examples and be more specific to provide value to the reader. Let’s see what this can look like:

✅ Our solution includes advanced forecasting and budgeting features so you can accurately project labor costs, resulting in a 15% reduction in labor expenses.

✅ Our workforce management software provides real-time data analytics, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and optimize your staffing levels.

✅ Our platform offers a range of features, such as time and attendance tracking, shift management and performance analytics.

Write conversationally

Many SaaS companies get too formal or technical and confuse the readers. You confuse them you lose them. Conversational language makes content easy to digest and more relatable, helping you establish a relationship with the reader.

Here’s how to write conversationally: 

  1. Imagine you’re speaking to a friend
  2. Address the reader directly (with “you” and “your”)
  3. Use language that is easy to understand
  4. Use analogies and metaphors

Here are some examples:

❌ One way to approach marketing during summer is by incorporating interactive summer games into your campaigns. 

✅ Do you know what a fun way to market during summer is? Incorporating summer games in your campaigns.

❌ Influencer marketing is a strategy that involves working with individuals with a large following on social media platforms and using their endorsement to advertise your brand, products or services. 

✅ Influencer marketing is when you team up with people with a large following on social media to promote your products or services.

Make it skimmable

How to write skimmable saas content

Image source: CopywritingCourse

73% of people skim blog posts, which is why it’s crucial to make the posts easy to digest by making them skimmable. 

Skimmable content includes:

  • Headings and subheadings
  • Bulleted or numbered lists
  • Short paragraphs
  • Bold or italic text
  • Images, videos and infographics
  • Tables

If you can, design your images consistent with your branding, but in case you don’t have time to do that, here are some websites with free stock images you can use:

  • Freepik
  • Pixabay
  • Unsplash
  • Pexels

Include calls-to-action

Quoleady's client Ringblaze call to action

Image source: Ringblaze

Include calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your article and in the conclusion to inspire action. However, don’t overstuff your article with CTAs. The point of copywriting is to sell or drive action, but if you only focus on talking about your product, you will only annoy and lose the reader. Stay humble and strike the right balance between promoting your product and providing value for the reader.

B2B SaaS Copywriting tools to improve your writing

Here are powerful marketing tools you can use to help you create content.


Using Grammarly for B2B SaaS copywriting

Image source: G2

You can use Grammarly for:

  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes
  • Clarity and readability
  • Adjusting tone
  • Plagiarism
  • Consistency
  • Sounding more native

However, don’t listen to its suggestions blindly, as it can make mistakes. 

Surfer SEO

Using Surfer SEO for B2B SaaS copywriting

Image source: Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is a fantastic content marketing tool that analyzes the top ranking results and, based on that information, offers suggestions for which keywords to include in your copy, how many words, headings, paragraphs and images. 

You can also use it for keyword research, auditing etc., but we mainly use it to optimize content.

Hemingway Editor 

Using Hemingway App for B2B SaaS copywriting

Image source: Hemingway App

Hemingway Editor analyzes your text and provides feedback on:

  • Readability
  • Sentence structure
  • Passive voice use

This analysis can help you identify areas where you can improve your writing and make it more direct, concise and easy to understand.



Image source: Writesonic

Writesonic is another helpful tool you can use to generate content ideas and product descriptions, paraphrase content and more. For example, you can use it to change the tone from formal to conversational.



Although not specifically for writing, this list wouldn’t be complete without Ahrefs, an SEO tool that helps you research keywords and competitors, analyze backlinks and track rankings. Your writing will be much better if you know what people are searching for and do proper research.

Its alternative is SEMRush, but we like Ahrefs because of its clear interface that makes it easy to focus on the key metrics.

B2B SaaS copywriting: How to optimize your copy

Your content should be reader-centric, but you should optimize it to make Google happy and enable readers to see your content. Two main aspects include keywords and internal linking. 


Apart from including the terms Surfer SEO suggests, you should also include the main or target keyword in your:

  1. Introduction ideally in the first sentence/paragraph or at least in the first 150 words
  2. Meta description 
  3. SEO tag ideally at the beginning
  4. Title tag ideally at the beginning
  5. Headings and subheadings (where possible)
  6. Alt tags 
  7. URL slug

However, don’t stuff the keywords we don’t want an over-optimized copy. You can use the WordPress Yoast SEO plugin to help you:

WordPress Yoast SEO plugin

Your meta description should be up to 160 characters and appear green in WordPress, explaining briefly what your article is about and enticing the reader. SEO and title tags should be up to 70 characters. 

Internal linking 

Internal linking for your SaaS blog is important because it helps search engines understand what your website is about and see you as a topical authority, boosting rankings. It also creates a good user experience because it makes it easier for readers to find the information they’re looking for. 

Here is a summary of how we do internal linking:

  1. Our SaaS SEO agency aims to have five or six internal links per every 1000 words whenever possible. 
  2. We use very specific anchor texts (exact match or similar to the main keyword) when linking to other articles so that readers know exactly where we’re taking them and Google understands what the page is about.
  3. We create topic clusters, linking all cluster content to the pillar page and from the pillar page to the cluster content and between supporting articles where possible.

SaaS topic clusters

Image source: HubSpot

Here we focused on optimizing your content for a blog, but you should also take care of technical SEO and off-site optimization, which includes choosing websites for link building and building SaaS backlinks. You can read our checklist for optimizing your SaaS blog for SEO or our detailed guide for SEO for SaaS.

How can Quoleady help with B2B SaaS copywriting?

Quoleady is a SaaS blog writing company helping SaaS clients generate qualified leads with content marketing.  

How can Quoleady help with B2B SaaS copywriting

Here’s how we can help with your B2B SaaS copywriting:

  1. We can help you conduct keyword research and devise a content strategy
  2. We can provide topic ideas and create detailed article briefs
  3. Our B2B SaaS copywriters can write compelling and optimized copy to bring you traffic and conversions
  4. We edit and proofread all content and make sure you’re happy with it

Jump on a free call with us and let’s discuss your specific needs!


Writing a B2B SaaS copy is challenging, but we hope this article made it easier. You now know why and how to do it, what tools to use and how to optimize it. In short, your copy should:

  1. Hook the reader with a compelling headline and introduction
  2. Emphasize the benefits of your product
  3. Be concise
  4. Be credible with data to support your claims
  5. Be direct and persuasive
  6. Be specific and actionable
  7. Use a conversational tone
  8. Be skimmable
  9. Include calls to action
  10. Make both readers and Google happy

All that’s left is for you to learn how to measure your SaaS content marketing results. If you’d rather focus on your core business and leave this to the professionals, book a free call to see how we can help you!

B2B SaaS copywriting: FAQs

How to write for B2B SaaS?

  1. Know your target audience and tailor your content to them
  2. Use great hooks to entice the reader 
  3. Emphasize the benefits your product brings
  4. Be concise
  5. Support your claims with data
  6. Use active voice
  7. Provide value and give actionable tips
  8. Use a conversational tone
  9. Make it skimmable
  10. Include calls to action

What is a SaaS copywriter?

A SaaS copywriter writes compelling copy to inspire a reader to take action, such as signing up for a demo or purchasing a subscription plan. They need to be versed in SaaS marketing to generate leads and convert them into paying customers.

How to start SaaS copywriting?

  1. Learn about SaaS content marketing
  2. Study the product, competition and buying persona
  3. Practice the writing concepts outlined in this article
  4. Choose copywriting tools to help you

Katarina Stamenković

Content marketing manager

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